Our government has just announced new measure to help control COVID. And I know that this will be effecting a number of my customers who are due to get married, and will also be affecting my customers that have big live events such as milestone birthdays and anniversary and let’s not forget Christmas if these new measures are in place for the suggested 6 months.
Take this time to feel sad, to feel angry, to experience the emotions you are feeling but I want to help inject some positivity into your special time. Because it can be special, albeit in a different way. There are options, they may not be what you had always envisioned but life will always throw us curve balls, this just so happens to be one large one! Just think, an option could be two celebrations instead of one… twice the fun!
We are all in this together, we are all in the same boat. There are 1,000’s of couples who will be affected, there will be large numbers of suppliers who will be affected but you know what, we need to find some positivity and love among everything that is going on. Weddings, Anniversaries, Birthdays and Christmas, these are all celebrations. They should be happy occasions and so let’s focus on the happy albeit on a smaller scale.
COVID has taken so much away from so many people, including loved ones. We need to remember why these measures are being put in place, they are not to punish us, it’s to protect us and our loved ones, our neighbours, and the stranger in the street. I know some of the policy’s make no sense, and it I were in a room with a member of parliament I would want to shake them, but we need to remember the reason behind these policies.
So lets flip this on its head. The smaller numbers are to show love for your guests, it’s to protect them and you and enable you all to have larger celebrations later down the line. But just because the numbers are small, it by no means suggest that your day is any way less important, or grand for that matter. And know that suppliers are there to help you, whether you decide to rearrange or to go ahead with smaller numbers. People working within the wedding sector love weddings, and love working with couples and want to ensure your special day is just that, special.
I’m a lockdown Bride to be, so I know how people are feeling. We did not have the family celebration engagement drinks or a get together with friends to celebrate. We didn’t have the proposal that Chris had planned. We felt nervous announcing our engagement as knew so many were having a hard time. We have since gone on to plan our wedding for 2021 all from our flat and is quite different from what we’d ever talked about. But we have decided as the numbers are small to go all out in other areas which we wouldn’t have been able to afford on a larger scale, then once married we will look to perhaps have a celebration with everyone when it is safe to do so. I think getting engaged in a pandemic helped with our mindset, perhaps if we had had everything booked and had to cancel and rearrange, we would feel differently.
You are not alone and we, people in the wedding and celebration industry are here to help and to share some much-needed love and of course happiness.
Sending so much love and positive vibes