I have a huge apology to make to you. I realise that in all my blog posts I have failed to introduce you to a very important part of my business, the very back bone of Rebekah Ann Jewellery if you will. Without the support and comfort of this beauty I wouldn’t be able to produce my work. Of course, I’m referring to my beloved bench! This gorgeous chunk of wood is my happy place.

I was lucky enough to inherit this beauty from a jeweller friend and former employer when they moved workshops. I had worked at the bench for a number of years and felt at home sat at it. So naturally I wanted it to come live with me in the Jewellers Hub when it needed a new place. And this is where the love affair really grew!
As you may or may not know I teach with the grand master himself, Chris Hawkins. I tell the students that a bench peg (the two pegs you can see in the semi circle cut out) is your best friend when working at a bench. Why? Because they support you with everything! There are a few other things I say that Chris has a little giggle about, this does include asking students to think of the saw blades as carton Christmas trees slightly drooping (The teeth need to point down and it always has helped me remember…) when fitting in the frames. Only bring out if people are having difficulty remembering... honest!
So now you know that every item of jewellery ordered on my website or on any other platform, I have sat at this bench and made it just for you. All with a great big smile on my face for I’m sat at my happy place doing what I love fr you wonderful peeps.