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It's a great big YES!

Writer's picture: Rebekah Ann Rebekah Ann

Firstly thank you so much for all the love on my instagram page, Facebook and private messages you guys are truly wonderful. If you haven't seen, during lockdown my now fiancé asked me to marry him!

Chris and I met a year ago indirectly thanks to a friends wedding speech. This love affair and friendship started with a 7:15am coffee date on a Monday morning! If truth be told I wasn't that interested on going on a date, but to keep my friends happy and after hearing the above speech I decide if Chris could handle an early morning date suggestion then I'd go. I turned up in scruffy workshop clothing, he wore a suit. As soon as I saw him across the coffeeshop and he smiled at me I knew I was a gonna. And to think I almost stood him up... boy am I glad that I went, not going could have been one of the biggest mistakes of my life without even realising it.

I'm not a traditionalist, but I do believe in marriage. I think it's incredible to be asked to be the witness to someone else's life. Now don't get me wrong, I was very happy being single and had been single for a very long time and knew it would take someone special for me to open my life to. I believe it was date 3 or 4 (which was day 3 or 4, we have basically seen each other everyday since the day we met) that we discussed marriage, children and what we as individuals want from life, and we both had the same views, outlooks and dreams. At this point Chris asked me if we were to get married (glup) would I want him to ask my dad for my hand in marriage and I said no. Like I said i'm not a traditionalist, I feel very strongly that i'm an independant women and for me I wanted to be the first who was asked. We never discussed it again, but he remembered. I know that lots of people ask the father of the bride/groom and for them I think it's a lovely tradition. My choice and views is nothing against my dad it was just a strong personal feeling of being my own person. I don't belong to anyone, I belong to myself. I always have and always will be. This is also one of the reasons for myself engagement a few years ago.

We decided to keep our engagement a secret only telling 2 people on the day, My best friend and my 14 yr old niece. Week later we told family and close friends, another week later we have shared with you all. We wanted to be in our own little bubble and with it being lockdown we decided to keep it private.

Lots have asked how Chris asked me. Bless him, he hadn't planned to ask me on the day that he did, and had had plans which got cancelled due to lockdown which I have only just learnt of but he said it just felt like the perfect moment which to me is magical. On our 1st anniversary after a super early morning walk along Brighton beach and sitting in Brunswick Square talking about life, on returning home to start getting ready for our day of working from home, Chris suddenly turned to me and said Becky, Will you Marry me? By his face I knew he wasn't joking, he asked me to wait there and went into the bedroom at which point I ran into our hallway and hid in a scarf by the front door, I think it was from pure shock of what was about to happen. Chris then appeared in front of me saying, Becky look at me. I was crying and laughing and couldn't look. Slowly I peeped with one eye and there Chris was with the most incredible ring I have ever seen. And so me being me I hid again, peeked, and then hid again. Eventually I removed the scarf and Chris asked me again, Becky will you marry me? And of course my answer was yes.

Now we were floating and feeling super excited. I decided to make us a nice cup of coffee to sit and enjoy together (too early for fizz) and while pouring the coffee I all of a sudden just started uncontrollably crying with pure deep emotion. I was completely taken aback by all the emotions I was feeling. I was going to share my life with this man, that he was going to witness everything in my life moving forward and I his. It makes me cry now thinking about it, its a special feeling. I'm an independent lady who has managed to find someone who understands and respects my views and someone who also wants their independence but boy do we work well as a team. I now wear my self engagement ring and engagement ring, both a gentle reminder of the support I have from myself an my closest friend.

I know lockdown is a difficult time and there's so much hurt, sadness, anger and uncertainty in the world. I also know that among all this there were some truly magical things happening. I Know how lucky I am to have a lovely memory and happy news. We were very torn to share our news at all during these uncertain times but we have also experienced difficulties and decided that we wanted to put some happiness out there.

With regards to wedding plans, that's all on hold until things improve but of course like any bride and groom to be we have been thinking about ideas and looking at possible locations/venues. Ones things for sure i'm excited to get Chris in the workshop to make our wedding rings together.

And for all those asking, the ever so wonderful jeweller and dear friend @madsthejeweller is the lovely lady that made the ring, swoon!

Thank you again for all your lovely words and congratulations, we feel truly blessed. Sending love and possitive vibes to you and yours.

R & C xx

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